The claws are out and Stephen King is not holding back at all.
He has read Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series and though he finds her contemporary JK Rowling to be terrific, but that Meyers can’t write at all.
Oh, no he dinnit!! Catfight!!
Here’s what King had to say about Meyer and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling to USA Weekend,
“Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people… The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good.”
He goes on to explain why young girls are fascinated with her use of words and how she captures those moments of sexual tension with a descriptive that nails the emotional struggle of young girls feelings they are “not ready to deal with yet”
I don’t know. If you can make that observation about her writing it sounds to me like she understands her demographic and is in touch with their emotional turmoil and can appeal to that. Sounds like she’s doing a bang up job to me!
And you can compare all the technical issues of her writing, but you cant discount its value. If it was a Ziggy comic and it has the majority of a demographic tearing through the pages, that sounds like a good writer to me. That someone can put words to page and really connect on an emotional level like that is the very definition of a writer as far as I am concerned.
People like to bag on Twilight because its popular. I am not sucked into the craze, but I can still recognize its popularity and understand why some people are.