Just about to head out to the Test Screening for The Anniversary, and today was a light dose of news, so I figured I would condense them into a “Around the Web” kind of post.
So here goes…
Marvel Films is taking applications for writers to bring their properties to the big screen. Because Hollywood has such a shortage of writers?
Cobra Commander toy reveals disfigured transparent masked Leader of Cobra Why are they bothering with a mask if its going to be transparent? Doesn’t that defeat the point of the mask?
Serinda Swan joins Tron 2.0 as a temptress Tron 2.0 looks like it will have some more eyecandy. Are there any guys in this movie?
Ron Moore’s The Thing Prequel faces rewrites. Rewrites are a double edged sword. They either fix it, or make it worse. Who knows.
Tony Stark’s rival Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2 We get a badguy to fight Iron Man and a badguy to challenge Stark. I like that they are keeping a Stark story too. Now just get him drunk.
Canadian supermodel Noot Seear is Heidi in Twilight Saga’s New Moon. Worst Supermodel name EVAR!! But she’s cute. I wonder if she can act?
Now I am off to the movies!!