Bayona NOT Directing Twilight Saga’s Eclipse

Yesterday we posted an article about Twilight Saga’s Eclipse finding its director in Juan Antonio Bayona, but apparently the reporter who broke the story was a bit presumptuous.

Bayona has met with Stephanie Meyer, but is not secured to the deal.
MovieWeb says:

“The Eclipse directing job hasn’t been offered to Juan Antonio or anyone else,” Feig said. “We’ve met with three or four talented filmmakers and we’ll be meeting with three or four more other candidates before we make any decision. No one has been offered the job.

Bayona has met with Summit executives as well as Twilight author Stephenie Meyer (who has written all the books in the series). Apparently the director doesn’t even know if he wants to direct Eclipse. He fears that by directing the third film in the series it will be hard to add his creative stamp with the casting and character development already taken care of. “

So it is unlikely that Bayona, who feels he isn’t a fit for the established franchise will want to sign on at all. In fact despite meeting with a handful of directors, none of which have been offered the job.

What is known is that they are shopping for a director, since the breakneck pace the movies are coming out, they will have other duties for Chris Weitz. They figure the current director will be all tied up with post production and promotion work to get back in the chair for another chapter.

Makes you wonder how other back to back films managed to keep the same director?

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