Smallville Gets Ninth Season

Its all official, and now a 9th Season of Smallville is on its way. Tom Welling hasn’t officially been announced as renewing his contract, but I doubt they would renew the show without him. However there is talk that two pivotal roles will be leaving the show.. permanently – two characters will die.

Screenrant shares:

The new game is what two characters in Smallville are going to die. They’ve been coined as pivotal characters and their deaths won’t be the kind where they keep coming back like we see in other shows. In Smallville, death is the end. That’s refreshing… and nerve wracking.

For me, I hope that at least one of those will be Lana Lang. Her story is so done on the show. So there is one easy “pivotal character” to remove while still keeping the buzz up. The only other character I see with the reaper looming over is Chloe. This is a sad option for me as she has always been my favourite supporting cast member. I worry about how the show would feel without her but I am not sure who else they would can.

Lex is safe even if he never returns to the show. They want to at least keep that option open even if they go another way with the plot. Lois is iconic and we are headed into that part of his life (even though the show is not canon to the comics) and there really are not that many other roles I would call “pivotal”.

Who do you think they will kill off before hopping to Season 9?

But because I am the marketing genius that I am, I always said they should have promoted this season as its last and get the fanbase in a fury ramping up to the hotly anticipated end of the series just to announce after the cliffhanger ending of the show that next season would be starting a NEW show called Metropolis and take that bold step just one step closer to the evolution of Superman.

Then announce TV movies for a Martian Manhunter and Justice League over the summer to see if either would have the steam for a mid-season spinoff. There is so much potential still in the franchise and I worry that they will beat the whole “Clark before Superman” gig to death that there wont be much left to tell without crossing that line.

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