Adrien Brody To Star In Remake Of The Experiment

I’m all for remakes, especially if they’re of good foreign films that the vast majority of people haven’t seen yet (and let’s face it, if they haven’t seen it yet, they most likely never will unless they remake it).

News has come out about a remake of the German film “The Experiment” that sounds just fantastic to me. Here’s the synopsis for the film:

“Das Experiment, directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel, centered on a group of ordinary men recruited to take on the roles of guards and prisoners as part of a research study and examined how the effects of assigned roles, power and control affected the participants. Brody will portray the de facto leader of the prisoners while Whitaker will play a guard who’s corrupted by the power he’s given.”

NICE! The cast for the film is lined up and just signed Adrien Brody to play the lead (I like Brody very much, but he’s yet to impress me the way he did with his Oscar performance). The rest of the cast includes:

Forest Whitaker
Elijah Wood
Cam Gigandet

Not bad! I’m up for seeing this for sure.

(source: ScreenCrave)

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