Thanks for checking out our Forgotten Fridays feature. This weekend is a Holiday for our American cousins (and an extended holiday for us Canadians) and so I am going to throw this out to the International Friends to lend a hand for the Forgotten Fridays Feature
So if you have an idea for a Forgotten Fridays Film to review, feel free to Email me directly with your requests. Do not leave your request in the comment section, but rather Email Rodney
This is something we want to try out to review some older films that maybe you have forgotten about or maybe never got around to seeing that we just want to share.
Some things to consider for a Forgotten Friday movie:
The movie doesn’t have to be that old, but likely not something from the last 5-6 years.
The movie doesnt have to be unheard of, but maybe something that isn’t that well known, or “forgotten”
The movie should be really good! I want to be able to rate it on the TV/RentBuy scale.
So this is your chance to share. If I haven’t seen it but it appeals to me, I may rent it to check it out.
And to you Americans have a great Independence Weekend!