Tom Arnold Says True Lies 2 Is Happening

Sometimes when you hear about a sequel to something you just roll your eyes. Not in this case my friends. One of my personal favorite comedies of all time, and my personal favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger movie is the 1994 James Cameron film “True Lies“. The on screen chemistry between the Govonator and Tom Arnold was one of the best on screen comedic couplings I’ve seen in a very long time, and ever since I’ve been pining to see that team return to the screen again.

“You know what she probably stole the money for Harry? An abortion.” BRILLIANT!

Well, according to Tom Arnold, that little dream of mine may soon become a reality. The actor is reported as saying in the New York Times that both he and Scharzenegger are going to return with James Cameron to do a second “True Lies” film which would start shooting in 14 months… the day after Arnold finishes his term as the Governor of California.

Neither the Terminator nor Cameron have confirmed this yet and so you’ll have to mark this one down as “rumor” until it can be verified, but it seems like Tom Arnold is either engaged in purely wishful thinking, or telling us the truth in advance. We’ll have to wait to see which one it is.

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