Popeye CGI Feature in Development

Marvel’s top dog Avi Arad has his dance card full with his studio working to bring many of the Marvel Comics properties to the big screen, but one I didn’t see coming was Popeye.

Yes. Popeye. The sailor man. Spinach and all…

Worst Previews says:

Arad also secured the rights to “Popeye,” in hopes of rebooting that franchise as well. But he won’t go down the same path that the 1980 film, starring Robin Williams, did. He is instead planning to make it a CGI animated feature.

While I don’t think that Popeye is a completely forgotten character, I do think he is removed enough from pop culture to make a big comeback.

That they plan on “rebooting” it makes me wonder if Popeye will still have the same affectations like the squinty stroke eye, and massive forearms. But at least it won’t be a musical like the 80s version, though I do hope that he toots his pipe while muttering his own theme song.

The Robin Williams film in 1980 falls into that “so bad its good” category. Williams as Popeye and Shelly Duvall as Olive Oyl was inspired casting but the film is awkwardly terrible. Williams best lines were the muttered under his breath additions Popeye would give which was common to the character.

We will have to see if a CG animated feature with Popeye has any appeal in today’s market, or see what they do to make him appealing.

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