Abrams talks Superman Reboot

MTV asked JJ Abrams that since he isn’t doing Mission Impossible 4 anymore, perhaps he would be interested in rebooting Superman?

Worst Previews quotes Abrams:

“No one has talked to me about it,” said Abrams. “Writing that script was a long process. It was a very passionate character for me. As a kid growing up it meant a lot to me. It would be wonderful and fun to see that brought back. I don’t know what Warners is thinking or what their plan is. It would be a blast.”

I have all sorts of faith in anything JJ Abrams does. So if he was handed Superman, I would be more than eager to see what he has in store.

His script was rejected, but we don`t know exactly why. At one point Kevin Smith was writing a script, and there were countless other scripts during the struggle that finally brought us Superman Returns.

Personally I could see a Superman that continues from Returns, and should they contact me about writing it (snicker) I would opt not to reboot but rather just yank it into line with the rest of the DC films (both happen to be Batman) and make Supes “real”.

But no one has asked him and they are just as likely to review any other scripts they already bought than go with his. It all depends on what works.

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