ET’s Robin Hood Special Feature Promo

My enthusiasm cannot be fully dampened by hearing Russell Crowe’s Robin Hood was changed from its original Nottingham concept to be more of a pure Robin Hood tale. Why? Well because it has Russell Crowe in it.

For those who watch Entertainment Tonight there will be a feature about Robin Hood and its stars, the aforementioned Crowe and Cate Blanchett that will air on tonight’s episode.

I will be sure to check that out.

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17 thoughts on “ET’s Robin Hood Special Feature Promo

  1. Russell Crowe as both the Sheriff and Robin hood would have been awesome… sort of like a medieval Batman… too bad they didn’t push through with it

    1. I like Ralph Fiennes though, hes so freaking awesome.

      Hes done like every kind of role (Not unlike Crowe)

      Russel is a wife beater (Lol like that has anything to do with his acting abilities, which i like- hes a great actor)

      I hated Crowe in Body Of Lies, I never hated Ralph, ever. No Crowe movie ever made me cry. Um- Shindlers List however….

      P.S. Lord Fucking Voldemort.

      1. I’m gonna’ have to say you’re right. Daniel Day Lewis, Leonardo Dicaprio, De Niro, Oldman; I had a bunch but after watching Schindler’s List, Fiennes has most certainly become the most haunting, if not best, actor I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching. As for Crowe, maybe you could tell me what the big deal is. He’s good, no doubt, but I must’ve missed his masterpiece. Mind telling me what it was?

      2. The Crucible and There Will Be Blood are the only two movies I’ve ever seen with Lewis. He was good in them, but those are the only ones I’ve ever seen.

        Dude Russel Crowe has been in so many BEAST movies

        Beautiful Mind
        3:10 To Yuma
        Master and Comander
        The Insider
        LA Confidential

        Now those are the ones i know about, im sure hes been in more. Unfortunately he was in Body of Lies, which I hated him in. And State of Play was all about Afflec, Crowe was so painfully average in that movie.

  2. Despite the fact that I have interest in seeing it simply due to the talent involved, like you, Rodney, I found the twist of Nottingham to be clever (where the Sheriff was more the hero and Robin the antagonist) but then, it seemed that brilliant concept was deep sixed in favor of a “traditional” Robin Hood type movie.

    Still, Russell’s in it, Cate’s in it, and then there’s Ridley Scott.
    That’s good enough for me.

    1. As I understood it the original concept was that Crowe was Nottingham and was duty bound to serve Prince John, so when he needed to do something to oppose Prince John he took on the persona of Robin Hood to do so without risking his position of Sherrif.

      Wasn’t Crowe was going to be both Nottingham and Hood.

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