Friday the 13th Part 2 Opens on Friday the 13th

A Friday the 13th Tradition will continue, as the wildly successful (sarcasm)reboot of the franchise will get a sequel which will release on a Friday the 13th.

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A release date of August 13, 2010 has also been announced for the remake, although there hasn’t been word yet if the casting process has begun, or if Derek Mears will reprise his role as Jason Voorhees from the first Friday the 13th remake.

I do find it interesting that the 13th Friday the 13th film is called “Part 2”. Little trivia things like that amuse me. That and the swirly bits inside a marble.

Obviously this is not the 13th in a row, but the remake didn’t alter so much that it couldn’t have just been another tired chapter tacked on the end.

I hope that they do something better with the franchise. The original was terrifying (at first) but the remake was just dry and not scary at all.

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