There is little sexier in sci-fi than Slave Leia, and this archive shot from the set of Return of the Jedi is like a flashback to the Doublemint Twins commercials. Carrie Fisher and her stunt double sunbathing on Jabba’s skiff. Feast your eyes and your inner 13 year old’s hormones on this:

Geek Tyrant says it better than I could:
Girls looking to drive geeks bonkers know, that the best outfit to wear in order to sneak into our hearts is: the Leia slave outfit Carrie Fisher wore in Return of The Jedi. It’s a classic, and homemade variations are just as effective as the real thing(it’s the thought that counts).
So that being said, if I dare creep into the dirty side of your minds…
What is your “Fantasy Girl” (or guy) from films that would make for a sexy costume to get your inner geek all hot and bothered?
Six from BSG ranks pretty high for me. That red dress is killer and Helfer is amazing. But there will always be a special spot in my …er .. heart for Slave Leia.