Paltrow joins Kidman for The Danish Girl

I do find Gweneth Paltrow to be a very beautiful woman. And for the most part I have liked just about anything that she is in. But she is putting aside her sidekick duties in Iron Man for a more serious drama with Nicole Kidman… her husband. The film is called The Danish Girl.

Screening Log says:

Based on a true story, the film focuses on Einar and Greta Wegener, two Danish artists whose marriage drastically changed when Einar became the first postoperative transsexual.

Kidman is Einar, and Paltrow plays Greta, according to Variety. Charlize Theron (“The Burning Plain”) was once attached to that role, but she dropped out.

I think that is an over ambitious hope that the very first post operative transexual would look like Nicole Kidman. That would be one hell of a success story!

But this drama will focus more on Paltrow playing the wife who supports her husband’s choice to endure the transformation even after it changes him into someone she doesn’t know and how that plays out in their disolving relationship.

I think the context would be very awkward to watch, but could make for a really great story.

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