Rachel McAdams or Romola Garai for Black Cat?

With all the talk about who would be staring in Spiderman 4, it seems that auditions have been taking place for a lead female role, presumably Felicia Hardy – The Black Cat.

So far Rachel McAdams has been rumoured to be up for the role.

Fused Film tells us:

Mania.com is reporting that Rachel McAdams has met with the Spider-Man 4 producers about playing the role of Felicia Hardy a.k.a. The Black Cat. It was said that McAdams is the top contender to play the character, who starts out as a petty cat burglar in the comic books and develops an obsession with Peter Parker/Spider-Man.

And while it is just wild speculation that this even happened, from a completely separate news source, Worst Previews is sharing that Romola Garai was up for the same role.

Now, British actress Romola Garai (The Other Man, Amazing Grace) tells The Guardian that she has auditioned for some role as well. “[I] put myself ‘on tape’ for a part in ‘Spider-Man 4’,” she said. “This is the acting equivalent of the London Marathon in that it’s important to try your best as long as you understand that you aren’t going to win.”

Now it seems that the assumption is that this role is for Felicia Hardy, but that was never confirmed.

The most we have so far is that Sam Raimi is auditioning for a lead female role in Spiderman 4. Of course my instant reaction is that it would be Black Cat. I can’t think of anyone else predominate in Spiderman’s story that was female.

Of course this means we will be addressing another love interest for Peter. Didn’t we already have this jealosy storyline? Bah! Get with the action with a light personal side. We don’t want any more emo-Pete pining over his failing relationship.

We are still waiting to see if that “all but confirmed” story about the Lizard was really true too.

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