Joe Johnston talks Captain America Casting

Its a quiet chilly Monday, but at least the sun is shining. And while we are at it, we are delievered a nice flamable log to throw on the fire to fuel the wild speculation that will be the Casting of Captain America.

Collider has gathered all the hints:

– He’s definitely casting an American to play Captain America

– Needs to have casting done by March 1. Says they are testing 5 or 6 guys ranging from 23 to 32.

– He’s shooting Captain America in HD and says if they do 3D it’ll be in post

– Says he’s going to shoot Captain America in a different way than any of the other Marvel pictures have been shot

– They’re going to shoot most of it in the UK because the movie takes place in Europe

– Regarding casting a movie star to play Captain America…Johnston says he wants to discover an unknown and surround him with more prominent names

– The Invaders are in the movie and they’re a big part of the second half of the film. Also The Invaders will be six members strong. (via Chud)

– And while he didn’t tell us anything about the villain of the film, AICN is reporting Johnston told someone at the junket that Red Skull is going to be the villain. More on Red Skull here.

– Steve Rogers (Captain America) will wear two costumes in the film. The first is close to the Jack Kirby designed costume and later in the film he’ll wear a sturdier, more muted version. (via Hero Complex)

Clearly they would be going the safe way and casting an American. I don’t think it HAS to be in order to get the part right, but at the same time, the fanboys and the general film audience would likely have a mental block if a non-american was cast, so to avoid the shitstorm they are playing that one safe. I don’t blame them.

They are filming it “different than other Marvel films”? Vague much? What are other Marvel films all shot like that is in common? I have no idea what he is hintting at here.

The original Invaders was the name given to Cap’s special team of WW2 super soldiers that consisted of his sidekick Bucky, the original android Human Torch, the Torch’s sidekick Toro and Namor the Sub-Mariner. I like the idea that Cap isn’t the only super to be on this elite military team. Later Union Jack, Spitfire and Miss America were added. Who they use from that lineup (if any) remains to be seen, but I suspect we will at least see a Bucky. A number of these could result in their own spinoffs later.

There is also a strong rumour running the gamut this week that Chuck Co-Star Captian Awesome (Ryan McPartlin) might be considered.

While McPartlin has had a lot of scattered work before settling in with Chuck, he is still a mostly unknown and has never been in a feature film. He is awesome though, and looks the part.

So its still anyone’s guess, but that Johnston has given himself a deadline that is only 3 weeks away, I would imagine he has a few names bouncing around in his head. Who knows?

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