More Toy Story 3 news comes our way (new preview for the Trailer below) and some new images have surfaced about some of the new characters involved.
We have the obvious Ken to compliment the various Barbies in the film. Clearly the stud with the sensible walking shorts and Mr Furley shirt and ascot.
Then there is the Peas in a Pod. I hope they have a lot of personality, because that looks to be the least fun toy to play with.
And finally we get our Teddy Bear who made his first cameo appearance in the Teaser for Up! Mr.Lots-o-Huggin which sounds like a play on the Care Bears

It was said that Huggin would be the badguy, likely the new toys are disturbing the way of things in the day care with their escape attempt, and Mr Lots-O-Huggins will be opposed to that distruption.