Sony makes Last Minute Bid on Terminator Rights

Terminator is standing on the deck of a sinking ship trying to convice us its worth saving. Two sequels that spelled out a story we apparently didn’t need to see are not helping, but the desperate pleas are not going unheard. With Lionsgate sitting on a generous bid of $15million +5% of gross receipts from future movies, the deal looked as good as done.

But late yesterday a last minute bid by Sony came in and now its going to auction at Bankruptcy court.

Ramascreen reports:

The studio that handled the international distribution for the previous installment, Terminator Salvation, submitted the bid yesterday which was the final day any potential buyer was allowed to try and play the game of ‘who’s crazy enough to own TERMINATOR rights?!’

The auction will be held Monday at the offices of FTI Consulting in Los Angeles, the new owner will basically get to own the rights to future Terminator movies, TV series, DVDs and merchandise.

Lionsgate’s bid was considered to be the only one… well the only valid one after Joss Whedon offered ten grand for the property anyways.

But out of nowhere on the last day for bidding, Sony has come out of no where and made a bid. They don’t really have to say how much as this just forces this to go to auction now with negotiations bouncing back and forth between Sony and Lionsgate to see who “wins”

I almost said that with a straight face.

Terminator is over. Someone just gets to own the scraps now. I wonder if they can do anything with them?

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