Forgotten Fridays: Beast Master

Thanks for checking out our Forgotten Fridays feature. This is a feature to review some older films that maybe you have forgotten about or maybe never got around to seeing that we just want to share. They may not be old, maybe not forgotten, but they are not new. Just fun to share.

Today’s feature came from a few readers who mentioned it to me, and it is a personal favourite from that era.

Today, we review Beastmaster

Genre: Fantasy Adventure
Directed by: Don Coscarelli
Staring: Marc Singer, Tanya Roberts, Rip Torn
Released: August 20, 1982


Maax is a twisted cult leader out to steal the thrown of King Zed, but when Zed banishes Maax, he sends one of his three witches to steal Zed’s unborn son. Ripping him right out of his mother’s womb with magic and placing it a cow’s womb, she took him to die. But a brave hunter killed the witch and rescued the young boy. Naming him Dar, they find out at a young age that he possess the power to communicate with animals. But Maax sends his thugs called the horde to wipe out his peaceful village, thanks to a brave dog Dar survived again and makes plans on using his powers to kill Maax to avenge his people and his foster Father.


This is a classic 80s action flick filled with fantasy and amazing adventure. Dar himself is oft compared to Conan with Pets, but he is more than that. This stands on its own as a great film for its fantasy elements and great story. That ring with the eye in it creeps me out to this day.

Marc Singer, who played Dar fits the physical stereotype of a fantasy warrior and his stoic yet endearing character works well for the caring wanderer. Singer also reprised this role in tribute in the TV series inspired by the film (which was pretty good if hokey at times) as Dartanus. His weaving sword pattern was oft mimicked by my friends and I on the playground.

Tanya Roberts plays Dar’s appropriately scantilly clad love interest, who you might remember more recently as Midge, the ditzy mother of Donna on That 70s Show. That woman is still pretty!

And then there is the cast of animals that of course partner up with Dar on his adventure. He can talk to them, so they are his dearest friends! He has a black tiger pet. There is nothing cooler than that as a side kick. And of course his girl magnet buddies are a pair of cute ferrets that run and do his bidding!


The film does date itself and only mostly holds up. Its hokey, but still a lot of fun. The plot is pretty solid and would do well with a remake.


A great adventure and wonderful fantasy. I never did see the sequel Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time that features Dar chasing his half brother Arklon across time to modern day LA. Don’t know that I want to.

Also of note, the director of this is also responsible for the Phantasm films, as well as 2002’s Bubba Hotep.

Since all of these Forgotten Friday reviews are going to be what I would already give a high rating to, I had a Tv, Rent or Buy scale going on, but it would seem that an overwhelming majority of my picks get a BUY rating.

So with every Forgotten Friday you see from now on, you get to rate your anticipation for yourself!

TV – If you are at least a little curious, catch it if it comes on TV.
Rent – If it is something you have heard of and forgotten, or just remember enjoying this as much as I did once upon a time, go rent it.
Buy – But if you are like me, and you agree with my review you should go buy it. If its featured here, I already have.

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