Twilight Eclipse Trailer Online

The chapter that I feel is the last chapter for Twilight is upon us (the fourth is a 350pg anticlimactic epilogue), and I know this dropped a few days back but I thought I would share it anyways.

The new teaser trailer for Twilight Saga’s Eclipse:

This trailer is terrible. It does NOTHING to try and get the attention of new viewers at all. Every scene in it is catered JUST to existing Twilight fans (which there is no shortage of). In a series like this that is already pigeonholed and teased more than New Kids on the Block were, this is where the story comes together. The real conflict. The series took two books/movies to establish its mythos while the irrationally emo Bella sorts out her feelings, but I am telling you this is where the story gets good.

They have so much potential to convert the naysayers, and put out a film with a dramatic love triangle and some great mythology, suspense over her vampire stalker (which Dallas Bryce Howard seems to be fitting in replacing Rachelle Lefevre) and a final conflict of Vampire and Werewolf fighting together against a swarm of rabid newborn vamps. Done right, the Twhaters will eat their words. But it looks like we are getting more emoBella instead. I hope they amp up the action like this book deserves. Go out with a bang!

The fourth book just isn’t worth reading. THIS is the final chapter.

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