DVD Review: Boogie Woogie

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Genre: Dark Comedy
Directed by: Duncan Ward
Staring: Amanda Seyfried, Gillian Anderson, Alan Cumming, Heather Graham, Danny Huston, Jack Huston, Christopher Lee
Released: DVD April 23


This ensemble film follows the dark ambitions and doubletalk of art collecting artists and the galleries that thrive on their works.

Set against the backdrop of contemporary London, this new British film is a tongue-in-cheek look at the international art scene, in which lust, ambition and power prevail and where success and failure rest on a knife-edge.


The pace and interweaving of this many very different characters is a tricky thing to pull off and Boogie Woogie does it very well. The overlying theme of reputation, prestige and status is common among all the characters despite their very different motivations and goals.

No one stands out in this film as incredible, but that works to its advantage as you feel this is truly a story of a group not one person and everyone around her.

Jillian Anderson deserves a nod here. After X-Files she just disappeared, but I would like to applaud her for refusing to age, and still having her sex appeal.


I was initially drawn to this film because I thought it was going to be about Amanda Seyfried’s character. I am instantly interested in anything she is in, however she is pretty minor in this film, though serving her purpose. Its just deceptive when you see all the advertising, their website and the DVD cover featuring the latest “it girl” so predominately and having her so secondary in the film.

The tale is dry, and the “comedy” is light. I found the interaction of the characters and their plotting to be far more interesting than seeing this as a funny movie. It has its charms, but I woudln’t call it a comedy.


Its a good watch, and a great story that doesn’t leave you itching for more, but pleasantly satisfied for seeing it unfold. There is no big predictable reveal or dramatic finish, but rather a sense of experience that puts you in the middle of all these lives and then life goes on.

I give Boogie Woogie a 6 out of 10

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