Jack Nicholson Offered Last Vegas Role

A Las Vegas Comedy about 4 childhood friends now in their 70s reuiniting in Vegas has offered their lead role to Jack Nicholson.

Dark Horizons offers:

Jack Nicholson has been offered the lead role in the comedy “LASt VEGAS” for CBS Films says Vulture.

Described as a senior’s version of “The Hangover”, Dan Fogelman penned the script of four estranged male childhood friends (now in their 70’s) who reunite in Vegas to finally marry off the lifelong unmarried playboy of the group.

I can see Jack Nicholson being the unmarried playboy of their group. If there is any 70 year old that can still get the girls, its gotta be Jack.

But the story calls for the playboy and one other (a widower) of the old group of friends to come in conflict when they both fall for the same lounge singer.

Who would be that seasoned that they could run against Jack for the girls? Maybe Patrick Stewart? Or could they bribe Connery out of retirement?

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