Paramount shows movement on World War Z Adaptation

If there has been one Zombie movie that I have been itching to see, it is World War Z.

The bestselling book lays out a series of stories about surviving in a military scrambled world filled with zombies. Its not your typical “small town-eat brains” kind of thing. But it seems that the project stalled out as Parmount bought the rights and they were near expiring. But now it seems we are moving faster towards this project.
Dark Horizons quotes Max Brooks

“Paramount just renewed the option for World War Z, for half the time and twice the money, so that might signal interest” said Brooks in a recent interview with Fear.Net (via Sci-Fi TV. So where does it stand right now? “We still got our director, Marc Forster, who’s raring to go. Were all waiting on Matt Carnahan’s new draft, which should come in a month or so.”

So they doubled down the cash, and cut the rights time frame in half. That means they have doubled their financial risk, but have a shorter amount of time to make the film or risk losing the rights they just paid extra for!

This is good news for us, as Paramount is less likely to drop that kind of cash on a project TWICE and let it fade away.

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