Ewan McGregor joins The Man Who Killed Don Quixote

The long gestating Terry Gilliam Magnum Opus Don Quixote that once was set to star Johnny Depp is finally moving forward and will now be starring Ewan McGregor in the lead role.

Filmofilia says:

So, what we know about this movie, is that now, McGregor will be the one to play “a modern-day advertising executive Tony Grisoni (yeah, that name does sound familiar, because this exec is named by Gilliam’s sreenwriter) who time-travels back to the 17th century, where he meets Don Quixote. He’s joining Quixote’s eternal quest for his ladylove, becoming an unwitting Sancho Panza.”

Don Quixote will be played by Oscar-winning legendary actor Robert Duvall. Just for a record, we had a chance to hear this detail last year, when it was revealed that Duvall will be replacing Jean Rochefort in the same role. We also know that (now) McGregor’s role was even offered to Colin Farrell, but he turned it down.

I don’t mind that McGregor is replacing Depp in this. I think he will make a good replacement.

And after the last decade of developement its about time it moves forward and this is a good direction.

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