Favreau talks Iron Man 2 Deleted Scenes

With any movie there are deleted scenes, and with the film not even being released to the North American market yet, already there is buzz about parts removed from the film.

One of which is the “You complete me” scene at the beginning of the movie that was removed. As well as a screen shot we see of Tony flirting with Widow in a sexy dress trying out the repulsor blast gauntlet. They are not in the movie.

ScreenRant talks about:

“There’s a scene that leads up to [Pepper throwing Iron Man’s helmet off of a plane] that’s wonderful, but what it does is it ruins a surprise and ruins the momentum of the movie at the beginning. There’s a little bit of a misdirect that we wanted to sell and the reveal of him landing on the stage for the first time is better.”

Favreau even had the courage to cut a flirtatious scene, also featured in the film’s trailers, between Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow and Tony Stark:

“The relationship between Tony and Pepper is so special to the audience that if you let him and Scarlet get too flirty and close, the audience turns off very quickly.”

So it seemed that they wanted you to think that Iron Man was engaging in some sort of heroics under fire when he leaps from the plane, well if they wanted to do that, the PR people shouldn’t have leaked that scene to promote the film. That clip was everywhere online, so the mystery of what was happening in that opening scene was already lost unless you kept yourself spoiler free.

I am glad they removed the subplot of Widow attempting to seduce Tony. While the film doesn’t hang itself too strongly on the Pepper Potts love story, a love triangle would just be too much for this already busy plot.

I respect their decisions and it looks like it was the right thing to do for the film. It does work better this way.

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