Hamill to Direct his Black Pearl Adaptation

To most people, Mark Hamill disappeared after Star Wars, but he has been hiding in plain sight with many projects and is very much still active in “the biz”

Back in the late 90s, he even tried his hand at writing a very dark horror comic book called The Black Pearl (not to be confused with the Pirate ship) and now they are making this into a feature film with Hamill himself directing.

Movie web says

Hamill said the comic, which was published by Dark Horse Comics in 1996 and penned by Hamill and Johnson, is a “dark, edgy thriller” that the company hopes will receive an R rating.

“We started getting interest from some pretty big producers a while ago,” said Hamill of the “Pearl” material. “But then it started to take on a life of its own where it became this huge megabudget comicbook movie. This was the exact opposite of what we wanted to do.”

I like that he resisted the urge to bury this in a heap of money in the Hollywood machine to make a super low budget live action picture of his comic book material.

Lookig forward to seeing this happen.

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