Judge Dredd film finds Funding

In the category of “You couldn’t do worse” there has been a Judge Dredd script floating around and now its closer to becoming a real movie now that they have found funding!

Cinemablend says:

Deadline says DNA Films has made a deal with Reliance Big Entertainment and IM Global to finance a new, 3D Judge Dredd movie based on Garland’s script. Pete Travis, probably best known for the better than you’d think movie Vantage Point will direct.

For those who don’t already know, Judge Dredd is a dystopian future story where the law has been condensed to a super efficient patrol of Judges instead of cops. They had the ability to arrest, judge and sentence (often death by firearm) on the spot.

While they boast that this will be closer to the very graphic comic book instead of the technocolour Sly Stallone stinker, I don’t know that it is a benefit.

I read some of the original Dredd series back in its glory days of print and was never that impressed.

Maybe a film would be better. I don’t know.

Might have to loose the hokey costume first.

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