Leaked Test Footage for Live Action Star Wars TV? Probably not.

A random anonymous-ish email comes from a guy who claims to have worked on some of the shots used in this “trailer” that could very well be a sneak peak at the proposed Star Wars Live Action TV Series they have been rumoured to have been working on for the last 3 years. The fact that the tip comes from someone who “is not affiliated with Lucasfilm, but worked on the trailer” makes me wonder, since I doubt Lucasfilm would have to outsource work with the vast farm of animators and effects people they have “in house”

But anyways, here it is:

Now its probably completely fake and looks to recycle a few existing footage shots from other Star Wars projects, or some film student’s special effects project, but I doubt it is a peek at the new TV Series.

Furthermore, the series is rumoured to explore the non-jedi centric side of the Star Wars universe which I am very much in favour of, and this shows a fair amount of Jedi stuff.

That, and it looks entirely CG… which of course is all they might have played with right now.

I really want to see a live action TV series that doesn’t have to deal with a Jedi storyline. Star Wars leaves the door open for SO many different stories in a vast universe, but they dont all have to deal with the Force.

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