Liam Gallagher to make Beatles Movie

Liam Gallagher owns the rights to Richard DiLello’s memoir and is working to make it into a feature film.

THR reports:

Plans to bring Richard DiLello’s memoir of his years at the London headquarters of The Beatles’ record company Apple to the big screen are gathering pace.

British production label Revolution Films, run by producer Andrew Eaton and filmmaker Michael Winterbottom, is developing the project with the book’s current rights owner, former Oasis frontman Liam Gallagher.

I find it oddly ironic that a member of the band that once claimed it was bigger than the Beatles has faded to obscurity and now is only getting in the news because he owns the rights to a memoir of a guy who used to work with the Beatles.

I would be curious to see how this plays out, telling the Beatles story from the side of someone working with them, instead of being them or watching them.

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