A Nightmare on Elm Street had a modest showing this weekend raking in approximately $35m and already talks of a sequel are on the rise.
Given that A Nightmare on Elm Street looks to have taken in around $35 million this weekend (official numbers coming soon) the buzz from New Line Cinema and of course Brad Fuller himself via his Twitter page is that a 3D sequel is “already in the works”.
Now to be fair, last year when Friday the 13th saw about $40m on its first bid, they were shouting sequel to that too. Not happening.
I enjoyed A Nightmare on Elm Street more than most critics I am seeing. But this is not my concern.
That they are touting this proposed sequel as being planned in 3d, while the current director wisely put his foot down on the need for 3D in this film.
I appreciated that he resisted the trend on a movie that would not have benefitted from the effect at all.
Unless they just made the dream sequences 3D to add a surreal quality?
hmm… now I wish they had, at least in that way.