No Twins for Transformers 3

Michael Bay is awesome. You can ask him. And what he is awesome at oft times gets him trash talked at the same time. I love Bay for what he does, and despite their many flaws, I love the Transformers movies.

So with a third one on the way the rumour wheel starts spinning again. We are starting to get set pictures and soundbites, and the latest one in is that Michael Bay has admitted that the annoying slapstick bots known as The Twins are not going to be in Transformers 3.

Screenrant says:

The Twins of course, were the controversial racist robots hand-created by Bay for inclusion in the movie and were some of the worst characters ever seen on screen, ever.

Michael Bay quickly clarified the matter today with an update on his site which simply stated, “The Twins are not back in TF3.”

Now I wouldn’t say “racist” as much as urban stereotypes (I see white punks acting like this too… just sayin) but the bottom line is that they were the JarJar in a series already frought with harsh criticisms.

I just hope that this is a continued sign of Bay listening to the fans. You can argue that he didn’t deliever well, but you cant deny he was listening to the fans after the first film.

People said more bots, and we got a legion. People said more bot action and we got some epic fights. People said give us Soundwave and Devastator – and he did.

And it was a consensus that the Twins were annoying and didn’t add to the film. And now he is not using them.

I suspect he will just assume they are busy elsewhere instead of even bringing them up at all. Focus on a more managable lineup of bots (where we might remember their names) and bring us some epic bot battles.

I want to see Hot Rod.

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