Holy Bat-Rumors Batman! Since The Dark Knight was sealed and done, we’ve had plenty of delicious rumors regarding who would be Batman’s next villain/villains. We’ve had Angelina Jolie suiting it up as Catwoman. We’ve heard that Johnny Depp would be starring as the Riddler. We’ve read about Philip Seymour possibly becoming the Penguin. Etc. Etc. Oh the rumor mill: We read it. We debate it. We love it. You know you do. Lol.
The other day we reported that director Christopher Nolan said that the Joker would not be coming back in the sequel. With that said, what villain/villains would you want too see go head to head with Batman? In this BatPoll you can vote for one villain or as many villains as you want. But take this into consideration: We already know how Nolan goes about this world he has created; make your picks with that aspect in mind. Vote and debate. Enjoy…