Jonathan Nolan to Direct Zachery Levi as Superman??

The efforts to reboot Superman are picking up some steam now, which is good because they are on a little bit of a schedule. With Christopher Nolan overseeing the project to make sure good decisions are being made in the franchise’s best interest, rumour is now saying he is close to naming his brother Jonathan Nolan as director.

Cinematical says:

This latest rumor comes from Geek Tyrant, who claim their sources “on the lot” have informed them that Jonathan Nolan (Christopher Nolan’s brother) is currently the “unannounced director” of the new Superman movie. The other Nolan has been rumored to be up for the gig ever since his brother came onboard to sort of “godfather” the project with writer David Goyer.

There is rumour that the deal to have Nolan godfather the Superman reboot included him naming his brother Director, so it would be a shame for Jon Nolan to get the gig because his big brother strong armed him the job. But if he does the film justice I won’t complain.

And another rumour flying around in Superman’s pajamas is the casting for big blue himself. Right now the buzz says TV’s Chuck star Zachary Levi!

I really dig Zachary Levi. If it was up to me, I’d halt everything right here and sign the guy up to play Superman. One thing Levi brings to the table that Routh didn’t is instant charisma. You can’t help but like the guy. If you’ve watched the TV show Chuck, then you’re familiar with Levi — you know he can do the clumsy, fish-out-of-water thing — but at the end of the day he’s got a great contemporary Clark Kent look going on, and he’s definitely capable of turning on the action if need be.

I really like the idea of Zachary Levi as Superman, and it would be a casting full circle as Brandon Routh currently stars on his show Chuck.

But I worry about Levi as Kent. Sure he can do the nerdy awkward thing, and it works for him in spades on Chuck, but I don’t want Chuck to be Superman. Can Levi distance himself from Chuck’s socially awkward? Can he do a different socially awkward that is more Clark Kent?

I am very curious about the potential casting of Levi in the role, and if they go with it I will assume that they saw something that put them at ease with him in it. Remember, Nolan is overseeing this and he has final veto on any decisions.

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