Pitt and LaBoeuf to join Riptide?

A new thriller mystery called Riptide is in the works, and it seems that its producers have their eye on Brad Pitt and Shia LaBoeuf to play the leads.

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While there’s no confirmation of who’ll play whom, Pajiba speculates that Pitt is being chased for the role of an investigator called to a ship called the Nautica when a body is found floating in the sea. LaBeouf, they say, is wanted for the role of a young stockbroker (again, really?) who has taken the boat out with his girlfriend. A fourth character, a handyman, sounds like he could be the victim.

This isn’t the first time a character might get typecast to his actor.

Bruce Willis plays a lot of cops. Robin Williams plays a lot of crazy people. Megan Fox plays a lot of eyecandy.

But with the close release of Wall Street 2 and potentially following soon after with this thriller, playing another stock broker does raise an eyebrow. I don’t think its that big a deal.

But interesting that he would be paired across from Brad Pitt in this. There is a lot of Shia hating going on out there, but he is getting paired up with some pretty heavy hitters outside of his Transformers paycheque.

Are producers and directors in Hollywood seeing more of this guy than the rest of us?

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