Sony picks Andrew Garfield to play Spider-Man

In a remarkable announcement today Sony has picked their Peter Parker.

Andrew Garfield will play Spider-Man in Marc Webb’s reboot of the franchise.

IndieWire breaks the news

Sony Pictures Entertainment has chosen its new Spider-Man. It’s Brit Andrew Garfield, perhaps the most mature of the crop of boyish actors the studio was reportedly considering. He’ll be 27 in August.

This is the LAST guy I would have wanted to see as Peter Parker.

Its either more clear than ever that the “highschool Spider-Man” angle has been tossed out the window and we will now see a full adult Spider-Man, or this casting director has no clue what a teenager looks like.

I can’t express just how disappointed I am with this news. They better show me some damned good and convincing footage of this guy as nerdy Parker, and witty banter Spider-Man for me to think of this guy in the role.

Director Marc Webb states ““Though his name may be new to many, those who know this young actor’s work understand his extraordinary talents,” states Webb. “He has a rare combination of intelligence, wit, and humanity. Mark my words, you will love Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker.

And while I want to believe him, I just cant see this guy as Parker. The only thing I have seen him in is Dr Parnassus, and while I had no problem with him, he sure as hell can’t pass as a teenager, and he didn’t seem to exhibit anything I would say makes him an asset for this role. Maybe there is more to him, but I don’t see what it is.

I will say my anticipation is squashed until I see what these guys see.

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