How do you Know Trailer Online

James L Brooks new Romantic Comedy How Do you Know has its first full trailer. The film stars Paul Rudd, Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson, and Jack Nicholson that features a love triangle between a professional softball player, a corporate executive and a major league pitcher.

Check it out:

The trailer just looks sloppy and random but it starts to come together.

This looks like it might have an interesting twist on the whole “battle for the girl” thing. Usually its some well meaning sweet underdog trying to win the girl from her jackass boyfriend who treats her like crap. You wait for her to notice that the nice guy is better for her and she dumps the jackass.

But this looks like it will have two genuinely nice guys who both really like her. There doesn’t seem to be the stereotypical jackass making our minds up for us.

And maybe I haven’t seen Witherspoon lately, but she looks very natural and super appealing in this.

Worth a shot.

The film is due to hit theaters in the middle of the Christmas season – December 17th

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