Its widely being accepted that The Riddler is going to be Nolan’s choice of villain for a third Batman film. But who will play him?
Rumour has it that Nolan has his eye on three different men to potentially play the role, and all three of them starred in Inception.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy
Nolan is actually considering three “Inception” actors for the role, including Gordon-Levitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy. DiCaprio has already expressed interest in starring in a superhero movie and Hardy is on his way to become a well-known actor, so he would jump at the chance to be The Riddler.
If this is true, my vote goes to Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I think this guy has the chops to pull it off. He has a presence of intelligence, and a sharp wit. You know Nolan’s Riddler won’t be campy, and the Riddler will be more thought provoking. His riddles are even likely to make sense instead of the far fetched leaps of logic Batman has to go through to unravel his puzzles in other versions.
Tom Hardy is a strong contender for this role, as I think he is far more adaptable than we might give him credit for. And while this guy is hardly a newcomer, I think it was Inception that made people take notice. He’s been around for a long time, and I will forgive people if they didn’t see the last Star Trek Next Generation film, where he played the clone of Jean-Luc Picard, Praetor Shinzon.
And while I don’t know that Leonardo DiCaprio can do anything wrong, I would like to see him play something “lighter” than that weight on his shoulders roles he tends to pick up. I would love to see DiCaprio come in as Cobblepot and give a whole new look to the Penguin. Have him be a crime lord who favours tuxedos, but not make him so awkward and pudgy. He could bring a quirky seriousness to the role in a way that we know Nolan would twist it.
But here is the REAL rumour buzzer winner. IMDB, that shining example of integrity is now listing an unknown young actor named Cody Sousa as the (rumoured) role of Dick Grayson – the boy who would be Robin, the Boy Wonder.
Now Nolan said that Robin had no place in his version of Batman, but while other people are saying Nolan hates Robin, the reality is that he just didn’t think it would work. But we know with Nolan, if he can make something work, he will use it. I love the character of Robin and his purpose in Batman’s life. He isn’t a campy sidekick offering “Holy Something Batman” quips. He has value and purpose.
So is he going back on his views on Robin and casting Dick Grayson in the film? Or is this just another IMDB listing blunder.
Personally I don’t think IMDB should list rumoured actors in their listings. Only studio confirmed actors.