Fan Expo Day One Report

What an amazing day. No, I don’t have a pile of pictures to show off just yet. Its been a very long and very tiring day at the Fan Expo in Toronto.

As some of you were already aware of, this is the first year that The Movie Blog has had its own booth and presence at Canada’s premier fan event. And our new writer Dan joined me there while Francisco held the fort here posting for you.

This morning was spent setting up the final touches on the booth and it looks amazing. Special thanks to Soundbox who helped us put together a killer booth.

Some highlights today include great new friends at our booth neighbours Plastik Wrap finding out a certain film festival comedy horror that didn’t have a distributor will get one in Canada and some great images from the Disney Tron booth that will show some hints at what we might see that was not in the trailer.

There will be pictures and updates of everything we experienced here.

And its just the first day!

If you are coming to the show, come see us at Booth 829 (right behind Fox’s Alien Anthology booth)

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