New Little Fockers Trailer

The new trailer for “Little Fockers” has been released and I have to admit when I first heard this movie was coming out I was surprised cause their wasn’t really an outpour of people asking for another one. After watching the first trailer that Francisco had posted I wasn’t that impressed with the same running gags as the last two films. One thing I really did enjoy about this trailer though was the whole Godfocker bit, which I wish they saved for the actual film but it did make me giggle. Even though I can tell the writers were sitting around a table being like “Okay what words can we replace with Focker that will make people possibly urinate in their pants?” *Ben Stiller raises hand* “I got it! Godfocker! And it will be even funnier cause Robert DeNiro was in that I think?”

Alright, so incase there’s a 4th Focking movie lets all make a guess what words they will replace with Focker. I’m going with “Grumpy Old Fockers.”

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