Shia Laboeuf talks Indiana Jones 5

Seems Shia Laboeuf was called into the principals office after his comments a few months ago appologizing for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystall Skull, saying “I’ll probably get a call. But [Steven Spielberg] needs to hear this. I love him. I love Steven…I think he’s a genius, and he’s given me my whole life….But when you drop the ball you drop the ball.” Gotta give the guy some respect for that. He has balls.

Well it looks like he did get a call, but it seems he was brought in to hear a pitch for another Indiana Jones film.

JoBlo says:

Shia LaBeouf says they’ve already got a storyline mapped out for the potential project.

Says LaBeouf, “I got called into Steven’s office and he pitched a little bit to me and it sounds crazy, it sounds really cool.”

Now before all the haters get all up in a bunch over Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, keep in mind that there is a growing theory out there that only odd numbered Indy films are good ones. Just throwing that out there.

I have always been a “learn from your mistakes” kind of guy and lean toward optomism from sequels to films that haven’t done well. Financially this film was fine, but I wonder if people would have the same enthusiasm to see another one after that poorly reviewed film.

But really I worry about Indiana himself. While I am not all that excited to see them pass the torch to Mutt, Indiana is getting a little old to be doing all this stuff, and we haven’t had the chance to fall in love with Mutt the same way.

Part of me hopes they make another film and its awesome. Part of me doesn’t even want them to try. But if they are going for it, please do it right!!

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22 thoughts on “Shia Laboeuf talks Indiana Jones 5

  1. I enjoy the IJ films. I definitely have a lot of fun with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. So I can’t wait for this film. I really hope that if it’s the last, that they go all out on this one. But not in the WRONG way, of coarse. But if they can, make a whole new trilogy and yeah, end it with a bang!

  2. Wow, that does take some balls to say something like that to Steven Spielberg. But I’m not even sure he was directing it at the right person. I mean sure, Indiana Jones has always been Spielberg’s thing, but I think it’s just as much or more Lucas’. Actually I guess it is Lucas’ more, since he did create the character. But I mean he is the main writer for these films and for some odd reason, Lucas has been on a weird writing trip for like 10 years now. I mean, that whole overly kid friendly Mutt swinging threw the jungle on vines with monkeys bit had to be Lucas’ doing, right? So if you ask me, he directed those words at the wrong guy.

    But ya, I love the Indiana Jones series. I grew up watching the first 3 with my grand father, as they were his all time favorite movies. And I was okay with Crystal Skull, but it was far from great.

    With that, I don’t know. I mean I want there to be another one, but really I think it should be the last one. Since Ford is getting so old now. But I still want one more last really awesome Indiana Jones movie. And I do like Shia Laboeuf, but I don’t think he has what it takes to be the “new Indy” though.

    Most of it just all feels weird really, with what they did set up in the last film. If there was more time, before Ford just get’s WAY too old, I’d say to just reboot the last one, without the Mutt character and have it finally be the end of Indy’s story. Have him go out, but to go out with a huge, memerable, and worth while bang.

  3. I really would like to see Indiana Jones back in the 1930’s, or even during WW2 even though it means being a reboot and replacing Harrison Ford. I’m going to fry for this.

    1. how bout doing that and CGI ford like there doing with Bridges in the new Tron flick?

      Did I just blow your mind?

      Think about it man, Ford is the only Indiana and it should stay that way unless it’s going to be a Bond thing. but you cant do that with Indy IMO. just let the software take care of those ‘Old” issues.

  4. I take it Spielberg had Lucas bound and gaged under his desk while he was talking to Shia and would pretend to hurt his foot everytime he kicked Lucas.

  5. The first 2 are legendary to me. The 3rd got off to a cool start then got more boring as it went on IMO.

    The 4th is a love/hate scenario (think “Radio Raheem” rant from Spike lees best joint)

    The cookie cutter Alien at the end, and the Monkeys fucked it up for me somewhat, that and Mutt’s under developed character, he looked to be trying to channel Fonzies cousin Chachi, and didn’t pull it off.

    But do I want more?

    FUCK YEAH! DR. JONES! (Bring back the Asisan kid from Doom) long duck dong?

      1. I like Temple a lot and think its very underrated. I’m sort of an armchair expert on pulp, and of all the Indiana Jones movies, I think Temple comes the closest to capturing the feel and spirit of those classic pulp novels and 1930s adventure serials.

        Crystal was crap. Everyone knows it, especially the people who made it.

    1. Seriously… I do not get this kid’s appeal or why the Berg rests so much on his shoulders. Does Steven go to the synagogue with Shia’s dad or something?

  6. I thought he really burned his bridges with Spielberg when he said that comment, but I guess I was wrong. Plus I guess I’m the only one who hated the third Indiana Jones movie.

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