Seems Shia Laboeuf was called into the principals office after his comments a few months ago appologizing for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystall Skull, saying “I’ll probably get a call. But [Steven Spielberg] needs to hear this. I love him. I love Steven…I think he’s a genius, and he’s given me my whole life….But when you drop the ball you drop the ball.” Gotta give the guy some respect for that. He has balls.
Well it looks like he did get a call, but it seems he was brought in to hear a pitch for another Indiana Jones film.
Shia LaBeouf says they’ve already got a storyline mapped out for the potential project.
Says LaBeouf, “I got called into Steven’s office and he pitched a little bit to me and it sounds crazy, it sounds really cool.”
Now before all the haters get all up in a bunch over Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, keep in mind that there is a growing theory out there that only odd numbered Indy films are good ones. Just throwing that out there.
I have always been a “learn from your mistakes” kind of guy and lean toward optomism from sequels to films that haven’t done well. Financially this film was fine, but I wonder if people would have the same enthusiasm to see another one after that poorly reviewed film.
But really I worry about Indiana himself. While I am not all that excited to see them pass the torch to Mutt, Indiana is getting a little old to be doing all this stuff, and we haven’t had the chance to fall in love with Mutt the same way.
Part of me hopes they make another film and its awesome. Part of me doesn’t even want them to try. But if they are going for it, please do it right!!