The Force will soon be available in HD. Yup, the Star Wars saga will be released in blu-ray. During Celebration V, creator of all that is Star Wars, George Lucas, announced the big news.
At long last, Star Wars is coming to Blu-ray. All of it. All at once. The news was announced by George Lucas at Celebration V today where he promised all six Star Wars movies will show up in one, Blu-ray box set in Fall of 2011.
It’s about time! I’m definitely getting this collection when it’s released ASAP. Hopefully there’s more footage like this one included in the collection. I mean, who doesn’t get pumped by watching Luke put the finishing touches on his green lightsaber?!! I hope Lucas maintains the original state of the Original Trilogy.
I read somewhere online, people discussing how this supposed lost footage from the Original Trilogy (like this scene), isn’t original at all. They talked about how Lucas simply keeps going back and doing new scenes, and making them look old, a la original trilogy. For example, they talked about how Lucas could’ve gotten Mark Hamill on board, and made this scene. They explain how, if you notice, Hamill is simply in darkness, with a hood, and his face is barley seen. You could say, that they could have a point, but in all honesty, if this was true…Who cares?! I don’t. As long as the footage is awesome and adds a little something to the whole Star Wars saga that already exists, it’s fine by me. Again, who cares? Not me.
Do you care? Are you looking forward to this collection? What version of the original trilogy do you want? What do you think about the scene?