Weekend Boxoffice Report July 1 – Aug 2

Inception seems unstoppable, and it is just dominating the boxoffice raking in another $27m to hold on to the top spot for its third week in a row. Not an easy task considering the summer season of blockbusters. But the competition is a little light, so that doesn’t hurt either.

This week’s top opening film Dinner for Schmucks drew enough audience for a $23m opening, so it looks like some people have already seen Inception and need to go the cerebral polar opposite to cleanse the pallet.

Boxoffice Mojo lays it down:

Inception – $27,485,245 – 3wks
Dinner for Schmucks – $23,527,839 – Opening
Salt – $19,471,355 – 2wks
Despicable Me – $15,524,230 – 4wks
Charlie St. Cloud – $12,381,585 – Opening

I like that Charlie St Cloud at least ranked on the top 5 as I am a strong supporter that Zac Efron is not just a pretty face. This kid has chops and he needs to be recognized for it.

That and the poorly marketed Charlie St Cloud also edged out the really embarassing Cats & Dogs sequel The Revenge of Kitty Galore, by a very shy margin pushing it to a 6th place and “off this chart” listing for its opening weekend. So there is still hope for the world that slightly more people would see Charlie St Cloud than Cats & Dogs 2.

What did you see this long weekend.

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