Natalie Portman wants to be Snow White

Natalie Portman has always been rock solid on projects that she WANTS to do, so hearing that she is courting the idea of playing Snow White in Brett Ratner’s edgier adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairytales has me interested.

They say that none other than probable 2011 Oscar winner Natalie Portman (yup, she is suppose to be THAT good in Black Swan) is interested in playing the good-hearted ‘fairest of them all’ with the talented Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Amelie, Delicatessen) hoping to direct.

There is a lot of buzz going around about Black Swan for Miss Portman, and she is certainly pretty enough to play the part of the Fairest in the Land.

I am curious to see how Ratner handles these twisted interpretations of the classic Grimm fairy tales (which were initially pretty twisted anyways).

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