There are two hot buttons that will get polarized results from any avid movie fan. Any talk of 3D, and George Lucas re-releasing Star Wars. So of course, Lucas is re-releasing them in 3D. Just to piss you off.
With the current trend of 3D showing no signs of going away, Lucas is jumping on the bandwagon to bring you his Star Wars films in 3D.
Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox are planning a relaunch of the six Star Wars films beginning in early 2012. One film would be released in that same timeframe per year, starting with The Phantom Menace.
It is a solid business plan. They intend to release the movies in theaters for 3D audiences, and then take the profits from each of those films to convert the next one.
So from 2012 through approximately 2018 we will get 3D versions of the two Trilogies.
George Lucas re-releasing his films has pretty much become a tradition now. It’s no longer a question of “if” he will bring them back out again, but a question of when. As a Star Wars fan (yes, I still love them despite the flaws) I am really eager to see each of these in 3D. I do think that the Prequel Trilogy will lend itself better to 3D, but they will all look incredible. Maybe Han will shoot first in 3d.
Now I know there will be groans and complaints about 3D in general, and continued crying about Lucas re-re-re-re-releasing his films. But I guarantee these movies will do well at the Boxoffice, and sell tons on retail shelves.
If these things are so hated, then why do they perform so well? Who is buying these if no one wants them?