Avatar Collectors Edition Bluray Announced.

When I heard that an Extended Cut Collector’s Edition Bluray of Avatar was announced before the movie was even released to retail shelves, I thanked them for warning me they would be Lucas’ing the release and held off buying a copy. (They are doing this for Lord of the Rings too – so I don’t yet own it on Blu)

But now official details have been revealed to my inbox:

Exclusive Collector’s Edition Blu-ray Boxset:

Extremely Limited UK Fan Pack- only 1000 copies available
Limited Edition, numbered solid box with exclusive artwork
Exclusive James Cameron signed film cell
“Making of Avatar” hardback book
Contains Extended Blu-Ray Collector’s Edition- 3 discs:
Disc One

Original Theatrical Version
Special Edition Re-Release
Collector’s Extended Cut
Over 15 more minutes and exclusive alternate opening
Disc Two

“Capturing Avatar“ An in-depth feature length documentary with James Cameron, Jon Landau and cast and crew
Deleted Scenes – including over 45 minutes of new never-before-seen deleted scenes
Production Materials
Disc Three

Open “Pandora’s Box” and go deeper into the filmmaker process
Interactive Scene Deconstruction: Explore the various stages of production through 3 different viewing modes
Production Shorts: 17 featurettes covering performance capture, Scoring the film, 3D Fusion Camera, Stunts and much more
Avatar Archives including original scriptment, 300 page screenplay and the extensive Pandorapedia
BD-live Portal with additional bonus materials
AVATAR Extended Collection’s Edition: 3-Disc Collector’s Edition Blu-ray:

Disc One

Original Theatrical Version
Special Edition Re-Release
Collector’s Extended Cut
Over 15 more minutes and exclusive alternate opening
Disc Two

“Capturing Avatar“ An in-depth feature length documentary with James Cameron, Jon Landau and cast and crew
Deleted Scenes – including over 45 minutes of new never-before-seen deleted scenes
Production Materials
Disc Three

Open “Pandora’s Box” and go deeper into the filmmaker process
Interactive Scene Deconstruction: Explore the various stages of production through 3 different viewing modes
Production Shorts: 17 featurettes covering performance capture, Scoring the film, 3D Fusion Camera, Stunts and much more
Avatar Archives including original scriptment, 300 page screenplay and the extensive Pandorapedia
BD-live Portal with additional bonus materials
AVATAR Collector’s Edition: 3-Disc Special Edition DVD:

Disc One & Two

Original Theatrical Version
Special Edition Re-release
Collector’s Extended Cut
Over 15 more minutes and exclusive alternate opening
Disc Three

“Capturing Avatar“ An in-depth feature length documentary with James Cameron, Jon Landau and cast and crew
Deleted Scenes – including over 45 minutes of new never-before-seen deleted scenes
Avatar Extended Collector’s Edition will be available in stores and online starting November 15th (UK) and November 16th (US).

I really enjoyed the release, and this Collector’s Edition is exactly what I was waiting for.

It does however fall in that moretorium on spending my wife enforces on me at this time of year. Not because we need the money, but because I keep buying stuff and that leaves family with nothing to buy me for Christmas!

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11 thoughts on “Avatar Collectors Edition Bluray Announced.

  1. It’s an incredible Blu-ray package worth the money and I’ve honestly never seen anything like it. I can’t wait for future movies, which I’m sure will be equally as exquisite and profitable. I also found it bizarre that the forum owner of the Internets largest Avatar movie community over at avatar-forums.com is a homeless gentleman yet still supports with all his wherewithal the movie and his community members. There’s a remarkable cult following building behind this movie and future movies, which appear to be life changing for some folks.


    Does anyone know if this Collector’s Edition of Avatar will include the 3D or the 2D version of the movie? Or maybe both?

    IF it contains the standard, 2D version, then we should KEEP WAITING for the Blu-ray 3D version…

  3. Actually I wouldn’t call it ‘lucasing’. I would call it ‘Peter Jacksoning’. It’s essentially the same thing Jackson did. But at least they were nice enough to warn us. I bought the single disc cause I just didn’t care. But I will gladly buy this one…after a while.

  4. This is exactly why anyone who is an actual fan of the movie and bought it already on DVD/Blu needs to get their heads checked. You KNEW there would be a super-epic-deluxe version released with a slew of behind the scenes documentaries. Both the existing DVD/Blu releases have ZERO special features. Even if I was interested in owning this movie, I wouldn’t have considered buying the bare bones version for a second.

    This is why I think it’s cold-hearted for studios to release multiple versions months/years apart. Be descent and release the bare bones and deluxe versions on the same day, some studios already do this. Don’t make uninformed morons pay double for a movie.

    On another note, how will the different versions be presented on the disc? Each version completely cut together, or one version that accesses separate parts of the disc for the addition content (new scenes not integrated cleanly)? Because I want to know how they plan on including 3 different versions of a VERY LONG movie on a single disc and have it not be compressed to hell.

    1. I think they are counting on the “uninformed morons”

      And some people just can’t wait and will buy this anyways KNOWING it was coming out.

      Its their money. Calling them names for spending it is hardly fair.

      The studios are only partly to blame for this. If people didn’t buy it, they wouldn’t do it.

      Imagine the day when a big new release hits the shelves and NO ONE BUYS IT because they are waiting for the collectors edition. That’s the day the studio will change their marketing.

      Besides, there are still lots of people who don’t care about the extra features – informed or not.

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