Disney to Develop a Magic Kingdom Movie

Seems the House of Mouse is all a buzz with their own Avengers project. No, they are not intending to reboot the Avengers already now that Disney owns Marvel. What they mean by “their own Avengers” is that they intend to release their theme park inspired films to all tie together in some big crossover film centering on Disney’s Magic Kingdom.

MoviePhone offers:

The project is tentatively called ‘The Magic Kingdom’, and weirdly enough ‘Battlestar Galactica’ creator Ronald D. Moore (I know, the remake, not the original — but still, it’s an entity unto itself, damn it) had a go at the project, having written a full script for the film. Then again, Disney execs are reportedly still seeking a screenwriter to continue work on the script; one that may need to focus more on a story that works in all these other characters. The vibe they’re going for is one that’s similar to the ‘Night at the Museum’ films.

So taking all the Disney Properties based on their Amusement Park franchises and making them into one mega movie?

I think it would be awesome to have a theme park movie where you could actually have the characters we recognize from other franchizes acting like they are still IN those films, but gallavanting around the Disney park.

It would be a hard thing to pull together and even harder to not be compared to Night at the Museum or other movies that have mixed in the “toys alive” angle.

Should be interesting to see what they will do with it.

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