The Hunger Games is a young adult novel series that follows the story of Katniss Everdeen, a 16-year-old girl living in one of a strange world’s 12 districts. After a rebellion against the governing state, once a year each district is required to send one boy and one girl into the televised tournament to the death to remind them of the result of their disobedience.
The book is being made into a movie starting with the first, and they suspect a PG 13 Rating.
The author of ‘The Hunger Games Trilogy,’ Suzanne Collins, assumed screenwriting duties for Lionsgate’s film adaptation and then passed her work along to Billy Ray for revisions. An early draft made its way to Entertainment Weekly and while no review or gritty details have been reported, they did bring up that the film is aiming for a PG-13 rating.
I think a PG-13 is very appropriate for The Hunger Games.
That is the target demographic reading this book to begin with (my wife and I both love the series as well) and while they don’t have to illustrate the brutality of each kill, the subject matter of children being forced to fight to the death alone is going to require a somewhat more mature audience.
Some people think it should be Rated R, but I don’t think that is neccessary.