Shyamalan to Direct One Thousand AE

Jaden Smith has his followup film after the success and surprisingly well received Karate Kid remake, and now he will star in One Thousand AE. Little is known about the plot of the film

Obsessed with Film reports:

[M.Night Shyamalan] is scheduled to direct the original sci-fi project ‘One Thousand AE‘ as a vehicle for Will Smith’s son, Jaden Smith, recently seen in the ‘Karate Kid’ remake which was the recipient of a good amount of positive reviews.

Will Smith was then rumoured to be quoted saying “Hell naw” and then offered to help the Shamhammer direct the film with him. Smith’s Production Company Overbook is making the movie afterall.

Perhaps with a little bit of perspective the pitfalls of Shyamalan’s directorial style will return to its original path of respectable glory. I mean at some point this guy just seemed to drop the ball as his films got worse and worse. He went from “That guy who directed Sixth Sense” to “This is that guy who directed Sixth Sense?”

Who knows. Maybe he can turn it around. Smith has become somewhat of a marketing pro himself, and I cant imagine that letting his son star in something doomed from the start would be part of his plan for wee Jaden.

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10 thoughts on “Shyamalan to Direct One Thousand AE

  1. I was gonna say after I read the little snippet on the front page, shouldn’t Will Smith be protecting his son from these kind of roles. This is how you fade into obscurity, you’ve only been in one successful movie. Another “The Happening” from Shyamalan and you can kiss your career goodbye, it was hard enough for actors with a history of success, like Wahlberg, to come back from that. Some might look at Wahlberg’s credits and saw he is still climbing out of that hole (or crater) Shyamalan got him in. Two comedies (The Other Guys and Date Night) and his next film is also produced by himself (is that what he has to do to get roles now?). I want the Italian Job, Four Brothers, and the Departed Wahlberg back.

    On the positive side, if Will does get involved and helps Shyamalan make this a success, maybe it could get him back on track and we can have more Sixth Sense rivaling hits.

  2. I don’t really understand how this guy continues to get work, especially when the films he’s involved in are ones he hasn’t even written himself. While I’m familiar with the gross of his recent outings, I can’t imagine any of them could be all that spectacular, especially when it seems he is almost universally hated by critics and audience goers alike.

      1. I guess he’s just workin, getting paychecks and not making his next Masterpiece (of s#*t)with writing, cameo’n, directing, producing every film now-a-days.
        Hey! it’s workin’ for Kevin Smith :) (not really)

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