With news of Zack Snyder taking on the directors seat for the Superman Reboot, things are finally moving forward with the new film and already we get whispers of the plot.
With more information about Warner Brothers’ reboot leaking everyday, Vulture quietly announced yesterday that David Goyer and Jonathan Nolan’s screenplay for ‘Superman: The Man of Steel‘ finds;
“Clark Kent [as] a journalist traveling the world trying to decide if he should, in fact, even become Superman.”
This is reminiscent of the Batman Begins format. Really digging into the story of what made Superman the man he already is.
This also implies that Kent will be played by a younger man likely in his early to mid 20s, so all those wishes for Jon Hamm or other mature players to put on the tights are out the window, but it does lead up to the idea that Supes will be played by an actor able to deliever depth.
No doubt there will be action and the whole story wont revolve around his origin with the tights and cape coming in at the end, but I expect to see about half the film if not more coming together without them.
I like this approach because Superman isn’t about the knockout action. Sure its fun to see all that too, but this will be a new look at Supes, and we need a fresh look to remind us that the last film franchise didn’t just end four years ago.
The script is in its early stages and words like “rushed” and “still a bit of a mess” are being used, so hopefully it comes together.
Origin stories tend to have throwaway villains saving the big guns for followup stories, so I wonder why they are going with General Zod? I would have saved him for a sequel and gone with someone like Metallo or Braniac.
And please no Luthor. Name drop him if you must, but lets leave that alone for now.