The Superman Casting rumours are getting out of control now. It seems people are just throwing names in just to say names now.
The latest wild rumour is saying that 180lb Matthew Goode could be up for the role.
Word has it WB and director Zack Snyder are looking for someone who isn’t well known yet, someone in the age range of 28-to-32. Names like Arnie Hammer, Joe Manganiello, Ian Somerhalder came up, movienewz got another one for ya, Matthew Goode.
There is also word that because Matt Goode lacks ANY physical physique to pass as Superman, it would be CG enhanced and would add to the mystique of the smaller appearance of Clark Kent and have Supes be physically larger. Like an illusion.
Hearing that alone makes me discard this as wild speculation and some fabricated rumour.
Goode doesn’t have the physique, and I don’t want to see a Superman that magically transforms to a physically larger man. That’s always been part of the genuine aspect of Superman. He wears the costume under his street clothes and has to use superspeed to change into the Big Blue Boyscout away from prying eyes.
And Goode is a fine actor, but there are so many better options out there. Production is starting in about 7 months, so I am sure a name will be announced soon.
I’d like to see Routh get another shot, but I don’t see it happening. And no… not Tom Welling. This is not a Smallville movie.