Official Green Lantern Trailer Online

With all the fear that they would snark up Green Lantern and make it into Deadpool with a GL Ring.

But the full trailer has officially launched and we have it here for you today!

Ok, this looks a LOT better than that teaser we saw late last week. The moments where he is cocky don’t come off as sarcastic and snarky like he usually is in comedies. Clearly they are going for the kind of light comedy like Iron Man had, but not goofball.

Love the visuals, and love the costume (though his eyepiece does look a tiny bit too prounounced) and I am relieved to see a less Deadpool Reynolds in this.

And remember kids, if you don’t like this… you will love it considering this role once was in the hands of Jack Black.

Not kidding.

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32 thoughts on “Official Green Lantern Trailer Online

  1. On the costume, I still dont know why they CGI’d it, I know he transforms into it, but that could of easily been done another way. Comic Book movies are all about visuals first and then the meat carries it (story). so that means the suit is key! the friggin’ guy wears a green, white, and black skin tight jumpsuit practically right? Why do it cgi over a LIVE actor? That cheesy ass suit killed that traier for me.and the head piece made his eyes look wierd. I dont know, I hope for all the Green Lantern Die Hards this doesn’t become the letdown that Fantastic Four was for me. I walked out of that one after it was over feeling a little jipped in the sense that they missed the boat in more than a few ways.
    the follow up was better than the 1st. but that’s hardly a compliment being that the 1st wasn’t up to par.(Forgive me Norrin Radd)

    So being that this has a larger scope than the “other 2 DC film guys” in that it streaches out to space for a long period(It should anyways)the tonr I was hoping would be more serious sci-fi with a sprinkle of smart wit in there. this trailer comes of as goofy to me. (Galaxy Quest Goofy)

    sorry, I hope I’m wrong!

  2. So you think the CGI and costume look fake and so the movie is gonna suck.

    Well I have yet to see a CGI effect in any movie that looks totally real. I mean come on they use CG to depict imposssible things like fantastical creatures, technology and settings that simply do not exist. From giant transforming robots to green hulking giants, dragons and alien planets. We all know it’s not real, but the whole point of watching a movie of this kind is to suspend disbelief for an hour or two. I personally don’t think anyone should ever judge a movie on CGI.

    For example I hated X-men origins: Wolverine. Some of the effects in that movie were really bad, but I hated it for the story, the way the characters were used and spat-out and Will I Am. Had some crappy looking claws been the only problem I had with the film I would have gladly added the movie to my collection.

    Green lantern looks great to me (from what I’ve seen). However I reserve total judgement till I see the film. An ill fitting CG costume in trailer is a small complaint (At this time) for a movie that looks to be filled with aliens, alien superheroes, spaceships, action and an interesting origin story.

    Don’t judge this movie (or any movie) just yet, not until you have seen the whole picture.

    I’m having a serious nerdgasm thinking about this movie. I still think the CGI costume and mask look a little off, but it’s acceptable. And I ALSO still think the new lantern looks kinda lame/weird. But I’m still reallllly excited for this movie!

  4. The trailer looks pretty good but not great. I was hoping for badass, like the last Tron Legacy trailer or the new one for Cowboys & Aliens. Blake Lively’s wooden acting sure as hell didn’t help matters. Jordan’s buddy was kinda lame too. I wish they’d of taken more of the darker tone that the comic has.

    1. agreed, looks fan made… the alians suits look getter than HAL’s. Just because it’s a CGI it’s too BRIGHT green. and HAL jordan sucks, I can’t find this entertaining.

  5. I’m kinda over the whole comic adaptations fad. But I’m with the last few guys…the movie didn’t look so great. The acting was definitely not so great either. Who directed this? I just saw Reynolds in Buried a few weeks ago and he did a great job.

  6. This didn’t assuage any of my skepticism or fears at all. At best, this will be roughly as good as Fantastic Four. It may be a lot worse. No matter how good everything around it may be — and I have no idea or not whether or not those things will be good — Ryan Reynolds is *not* going to be able to carry this movie. Not anywhere close to it.

  7. Now thats what I’m talking about!

    If a movie is based on a comic stop trying to explain away the fantastical or write it out. Go with it all guns blazing.

    Looks great!!!

  8. This wiped some of the bad taste out of my mouth but seeing Blake Lively talk at the lockers, man that was some baaaad acting for such a simple scene (very stiff).

    This looks like it has some promise with the outerspace stuff (those parts looked intense). Seeing how great Mark Strong looks as Sinestro really made me squeek like a girl.

    I will see this, Tomar Re and Kilowog look awesome! I just need to see how Parallax is going to look, I like how Hal Expresses fear because Parallax feeds on fear so will Hal risk getting absorbed??

    Interesting stuff going on here.

    1. Yeah the more I look at the trailer the more Blake Lively acting seems card board, like she is just reading a cue card someone standing behind Reynolds is holding up. Her acting or lack there of could hamper the movie and make it unbearable to watch any scenes she is in. Also, the movie seems sort of empty and sterile. Almost like the universe they created hasn’t been lived in. It looks like the whole thing was done on a sound stage. It need’s some grit, some wear and tear. I still admit that the trailer does a lot more for the movie than the edited ET footage.

      1. Its good to see I’m not the only one who noticed that. You are right about it all just feeling hollow especially for the supposed scale of the movie. I will still go see and give it a chance but first impression is a little disappointed.

  9. Ok, I gotta admit, seeing the full trailer gives me hope. The fact they Hal has doubt and is unsure if he can handle the responsibility is a good way to go. Reynolds also has his serious moments too which is good. Could be a fun movie. We’ll have to wait and see, but when you put the parts of the trailer together holistically, it works.

  10. The trailer looks very good… I just wished that they’re going to use a more “heroic” score, like the ones in fan-made GL trailers. I think this movie mixes a bit of “Secret Origins” and “No Fear” arcs from the comics penned by Geoff Johns.

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